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Making Memes? Is that wrong?

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My way to express creativity is slightly different from what people do in common i.e. making memes of myself. Some people might say " You're so funny, but why you make fun of yourself ? " or " You just drive people to bully you, and you are a attention seeker. Is that what you want ? " Well, it is not completely right. Deep down in my heart, I have a reason why I love using myself as the subject of my memes.

Hyun Bin and Song Go Kong
When the drama Crash Landing on You went viral, I used this opportunity to attract people and gain more engagements.
Me as Song Go Kong
I used Song Hye Kyo's face

When you feel sad the whole day, and you just scroll down and up your Instagram. I want to be there to draw a beautiful smile on your face. This means I want to entertain people with my ways. Perhaps, people will always have different perspectives or responds, but I sincerely want to make people happy and smile.

Sendhi Gomez
This is me as Selena Gomez.

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